Tuesday 25 May 2010

Sustainability - economics

Starting from the premise of - the only long term solution is to live totally sustainably - I keep coming back to how that could be achieved. There's a difference in opinion between whether big actions or little actions work. The little action approach is that it is only really possible to change people one at a time. Lead by example, tell the world what you are doing.

The strength of the little actions approach is that you can actually get some real results. The general idea is also that the little action is a pyramid type scheme. If every person you "convert" can change another 5 - within a few layers we have got everyone on board.

My problem is that I am beginning to believe that the little action approach is naive. It assumes that a convert can apply their free will to change their behaviour and once changed, it will stay changed. I think that this neglects the environment that we all live in - i.e. the capitalist free market. I think the point is beautifully illustrated by the Greenpeace sponsored video "The story of bottled water". OK - they may over do the point slightly - but the fact that remains is the capitalist free market requires that companies generate need for their product. When hit with constant advertising it is no wonder that people's thinking is altered. In converting the world to sustainable thinking - we have to work against the background push of consumer advertising. This background erodes the good work of word of mouth conversions.

My feeling is that you may convert a few people on all fronts. Some people on some issues - but to get a good majority of people on sufficient issues to really sway the way the world works - nah. I just can't see it. I could imagine public pressure being built up to get rid of bottled water - in the end it is mad. However bigger issues such as transport, the right to as many children as you wish and the holy of holies - the Consumer Way of Life - will be a much bigger issue.

This leads us to "big actions". OK - there can be few big actions without the general public agreeing - i.e. otherwise riots - but I am beginning to believe that economics and politics play a big big role in the solution - not just being a greeny

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